Friday, April 13, 2012

Book Shelf box piece

This is a photo by Bill Adams of the inside sculpture of a box piece I recently created. The idea was to make a piece that would function as something more than a 'looking at' piece. I built the box into a set of shelves. I also made it light up so it serves as sort of a lamp too. More pictures to follow. 


I made a bear head. It is the third installation in the 'Vegan Taxidermy' series. This photo is by Bill Adams  and explains why it looks better than the stuff I take pictures of myself. 

Reviving a classic

This piece is about 10 years old. It had fallen into disrepair. I was ashamed and embarrassed to let it get that far so I revived it, framed it out and finally got glass on the front. This sculpture was photographed and ended up being the cover to William Elliott Whitmore's first record, "Hymns for the Hopeless" on Southern Records. 

Clandestine Cabinet Company #2

Clandestine Cabinet Company #2
Hickory and Walnut with a black Poplar grille frame. The amp circuit is a modified 5F1 with a high gain switch, custom transformers and NOS tubes. This cabinet also houses a Weber speaker. The leather handle is also American made. This unit is ready for her new home, with owner William Elliott Whitmore. 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

My first guitar cabinet

This is a (bad) photo of a 4X12 guitar cabinet I decided to build. It is constructed from Hickory and black Poplar. Hand oiled, no stain. It is bottom ported and loaded with premium speakers. I am pretty proud of how this turned out and want to build some more. There are a lot of speaker builders out there already, but  I have not seen any (although I am sure there are) using premium hard wood exteriors. I hope these generate a little interest as I would love to hear what people are thinking and build some for folks.

*I have come up with a name for the cabinets; Clandestine Cabinet Company.

Monday, December 19, 2011

The Robot

A long time ago I found a small piece of scientific equipment that I thought could be made into a robots head. I know, that sounds crazy. Well, I have decided to actually build the thing. It will be a hybrid between a musical instrument, a child's toy and an art object. I have done almost all the work I want to to the head. The neck is almost finished, as if the main body. Although they are not in this picture, I too have gotten some feet together. This is where I am as of the end of 2011.
As you can see from the last photo, I like to keep my workspace nice a messy. 

Monday, December 12, 2011

Fox Mount

Fox mount on walnut salvaged from the Whitmore farm. Thanks Will. Learned a couple things doing the doe mount that I was able to apply here. I think I will make one more wall shoulder mount, then I will be about ready for a full animal. This one still needs some decent photos.